FLAGSTAFF HILL : Chill Out, Relax, and Rejuvenate!


Here,on this blog, I share my experience through my writing, visual, (and some travel tips)

Penang is famous for it’s Medical and Healthcare reputation. “hmm there must be lot of hospitals  and medical building everywhere!”, that’s my personal prejudice before I set my foot on Penang.


I landed in Penang’s Bayan Lepas airport on a minutes after midnight, about 00:30 am. There are some big flats around the airport. “Aha, I’m right. It must be a hospital!”, I guess

an aerial view of the flat and high building around Penang. i took this picture from the  plane after took of from Penang back to my city


Got my taxi (grab car) from airport to my hotel in Little India, Georgetown. It took about 45 minutes. “Welcome to Penang, sir!” said my taxi driver while he turn the radio on. “Asmara dilanda angin curiga, Sedia ribut Tropika kan tiba…… Buah hati Dinda, Cemburu tandanya kasih dan sayangku masih setia “, Bumfuzzle, what a simple and easy lyric …I was like :”this is some kind of Malaysian local music. The beat is so familiar, similar to Dangdut in my country. The lyric is clear and understandable, must be about a youth romance”

Around 01:30 am I’ve arrived at my hotel, go straight to my bedroom because I was so exhausted and need some sleep.

the next morning is a new day and the real story begins…
(well, skip to the one of the best part about Penang )


“But there's always a first time for everything” - Melissa de la Cruz


Definitely yes. I’ve heard that quotes so many times. And you know, when you get bored at life and daily routine, you’re craving for something new, just escape your ordinary and go find anything that “new” for you.


And this is my first time to explore Penang. I’ve searched anything about it, Google it, so there’s not a 100% new when I explore the city. Like, when I visited the Armenian Street (a very popular tourist destination), I was like :”well, I’ve seen this on Google street. Hmmm, not much different”. But however, I go day by day as planned in the itinerary. Until one fine day, I changed the plan incidentally.

In my itinerary I’ve to go to The Top (Komtar building). But then I changed the plan, because my partner said why we don’t go to the Penang’s hill? I think that hill is better than this “The Top” when we talked form The view and scenery’s perspective.

Took a picture on the 3rd floor of the Top Komtar Building. It's a Theme park building

(it’s about 03 am and that’s the last day in Penang before the next day we off to Kuala Lumpur)

Then we got a bus from Komtar to Air Itam so we can buy some tickets in Penang Hill railway station.

Well, that was an amazing trip to the hill. So many “first time experience” I had that time. One of those is the Furnicular; a cable railway system that brought us to the hill. (it took about 50-60 minutes for us to queue because peak-season; but there was a special line for thos who paid more or VIP package).


I reached Penang’s FLAGSTAFF HILL at 05:30 am. From there, i could have an amazing views of the city from the top as well as a chilly climate that's about five degrees cooler than at the lowlands.

the Furnicular train stop ath Flagstaff Hill. You could see the Penang city from here.

the scene in the furnicular

Then I knew why this Flagstaff Hill become a popular weekend hangout spot for locals and tourists alike! Yes, Due to its breathtaking views, its cool and unpolluted air!

I really enjoy the beauty of the view from a height. So I took a lot of photos of me at that time, of course with some spectacular photos of the view too.


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